Ontology http://finregont.com/fro/xbrl/table/table.ttl
Jurgen Ziemer (of this OWL adaptation - not the XBRL design)
An RDF/OWL version of XBRL table. The Table Linkbase provides a mechanism for taxonomy authors to define a tabular layout of facts. The resulting tables can be used for both presentation and data entry.Tables use hierarchies to specify the arrangement of XBRL facts. These hierarchies are one of the basic building blocks of the specification, but also constitute by themselves a vehicle to communicate the meaning of those reporting concepts in a similar fashion to that of the presentation linkbase, but enhanced to cover multidimensional information and more complex models.
The structural ontology classes are Table Set, Table, Axis, Breakdown and Structural Node. Other classes define Table Sets, Parameters and Breakdowns.
The "-axis" ontologies for comosition, filter, relationship rule, selection and tuple include the Table ontology.
Jayzed Data Models Inc. (adaptation for RDF/OWL in this OWL file only).
Copyright � 2002 XBRL International. All Rights Reserved. http://www.XBRL.org/legal/
owl:Ontology |
The ontology is a direct conversion of the XBRL table schema file (see owl:versionInfo). The purpose is bi-directional for RDF instance files that include an XBRL taxonomy: To read XBRL data files into FinRegOnt and to create XBRL instance data files from the ontology.
Created with TopBraid Composer from the XML Schema(s) http://xbrl.org/2014/table
© 2016 Jayzed Data Models Inc.
generated with TopBraid Composer
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