Ontology http://finregont.com/fro/xbrl/tax/taxonomy-package.ttl

Jurgen Ziemer (of this OWL adaptation - not the XBRL design)
An RDF/OWL version of XBRL taxonomy package. XBRL taxonomies are typically distributed as ZIP files, with accompanying human-readable documentation describing which of the component files should be considered entry points. This specification defines a standard format and location for a manifest file that can be included in such ZIP files that allows compliant tools to identify the entry points automatically.
The ontology defines classes and properties to descripte the package: Entry points (for XBRL-tools), country, document, package type, license and version information.
Copyright � 2002 XBRL International. All Rights Reserved. http://www.XBRL.org/legal/
Jayzed Data Models Inc. (adaptation for RDF/OWL in this OWL file only).
owl:Ontology |
The ontology is a direct conversion of the XBRL table schema file (see owl:versionInfo). The purpose is bi-directional for RDF instance files that include an XBRL taxonomy: To read XBRL data files into FinRegOnt and to create XBRL instance data files from the ontology.
Created with TopBraid Composer from the XML Schema(s) http://xbrl.org/2016/taxonomy-package
© 2016 Jayzed Data Models Inc.
generated with TopBraid Composer
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