
 fro-cfr:Authorization Text
 fro-cfr:CFR Annual Edition 2016 Title 17
 fro-cfr:CFR Annual Edition Title 17 (2016)
 fro-cfr:CFR Chapter
 fro-cfr:CFR Component
 fro-cfr:CFR Edition  -  A collection class for CFR sections and paragraphs. This is to differentiate CFR from other regulations. E.g. the European Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive will be a sibling to this class.
 fro-cfr:CFR Paragraph
 fro-cfr:CFR Part
 fro-cfr:CFR Section
 fro-cfr:CFR Title
 fro-cfr:CFR Title 17 Volume 3
 fro-cfr:CFR Title: BANKS and BANKING
 fro-cfr:CFR Volume
 fro-cfr:Chapter Text
 fro-cfr:Component Text
 fro-cfr:Definitional expression for Investment Adviser Regulation
 fro-cfr:Definitional expression for Investment Adviser Regulation
 fro-cfr:Note Text
 fro-cfr:Paragraph Enum Text  -  CFR ontology denomalized the USLM Enum into this data property.
 fro-cfr:Paragraph Text
 fro-cfr:Rule Text
 fro-cfr:Section Citation  -  The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) ontology denomalizes the USLM class into this data property.
 fro-cfr:Section Number
 fro-cfr:Section Subject
 fro-cfr:U.S. Government Publishing Office
 fro-cfr:Volume Text
 fro-leg-ref:1940 U.S. Investment Advisers Act
 fro-leg-ref:Alternative Investment Fund Manager Directive
 fro-leg-ref:Chapter  -  The defined class enables generic queries across the specific USC and CFR chapter.
 fro-leg-ref:Chapter division  -  The defined class enables generic queries, without having to differntiate between Part and Subchapter.
 fro-leg-ref:Codification  -  An instances of this class of this class is the release of US Code. The Office of the Law Revision Council is the actor. The medium is the fro-uslo:UnitedStatesCode a LKIF Statute.
 fro-leg-ref:Component Identifier
 fro-leg-ref:Component Name
 fro-leg-ref:Component Text
 fro-leg-ref:Date  -  The FR ontology converts the USLM Reference into this data property. The format is identical to the hasIdentifierText.
 fro-leg-ref:Definitional expression for Investment Advisors
 fro-leg-ref:Definitional expression for Investment Advisors
 fro-leg-ref:divided by
 fro-leg-ref:Document Component
 fro-leg-ref:Document Edition
 fro-leg-ref:Document Section  -  The defined class enables generic queries across the specific USC and CFR sections.
 fro-leg-ref:Document Title
 fro-leg-ref:Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act
 fro-leg-ref:Edition Text
 fro-leg-ref:Executive Body
 fro-leg-ref:Government Office
 fro-leg-ref:Office of the Law Revision Council
 fro-leg-ref:Paragraph  -  The defined class enables generic queries across the specific USC and CFR paragraphs.
 fro-leg-ref:Public Law 114-156
 fro-leg-ref:Public Law 114-183
 fro-leg-ref:Regulatory Authority
 fro-leg-ref:Rulemaking  -  An instances of this class of this class are Notices of Public Rulemaking. SEC or FED are the actors tied to the release of rule. The rulemaking bears the text, a LKIF medium.
 fro-leg-ref:Rulemaking IAA [amended P.L. 112-90]
 fro-leg-ref:SEC Mandate
 fro-leg-ref:Sequence Number
 fro-leg-ref:Source Instance  -  The object property range points to the CFR/USC element instance. This facilitates lineage from an instance in the target ontology to the CFR_FDSys_Schema or USC schema element instance.
 fro-leg-ref:Supervisory Mandate
 fro-leg-ref:Target Instance  -  The object property range points to the Code_Federal_Regulations or United_States_Code element instance.
 fro-leg-ref:Title Text
 fro-leg-ref:U.S. Congress
 fro-leg-ref:U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
 fro-leg-ref:US Investment Advisors regulation
 fro-usc:Chapeau Reference Text  -  The Financial Regulation Ontology denormalizes the USLM Chapeau references into this data property.
 fro-usc:Chapeau Text  -  The Financial Regulation Ontology denormalizes the USLM Chapeau text into this data property.
 fro-usc:Chapeau Text  -  The Financial Regulation Ontology denormalizes the USLM Chapeau text into this data property.
 fro-usc:Chapeau Text  -  The Financial Regulation Ontology denormalizes the USLM Quoted Content text into this data property.
 fro-usc:Content Text  -  The Financial Regulation Ontology denormalizes the USLM Content texts into this data property.
 fro-usc:Element ID  -  The ID element of the source USLM instance. A system generated identifier. E.g. "fro-uslo:idd039fe6a-0c74-11e6-aa53-e455a13f2ad9" is the ID for Title 15 - COMMERCE and TRADE
 fro-usc:Element Identifier (text)  -  The business identifier for the USLM element. E.g. "/us/usc/t15/s80a–3" for Section. (Definition of investment company)
 fro-usc:Element Number (text)  -  The Financial Regulation Ontology converts the USLM "num" element into this data property. It is the human readable reference. E.g. "§?80a–3."
 fro-usc:Element Text  -  A super property for Chapeau, Content and Note-text.
 fro-usc:hasOrigin  -  The reference (text) to the origin. The USC_QuotedContent origin refers to the original document part or the quote. For example: /us/pl/104/290/tII
 fro-usc:Heading  -  The Financial Regulation Ontology converts the USLM Heading(s) references into this data property.
 fro-usc:Note Text  -  The Financial Regulation Ontology denormalizes the USLM Note text fragments references into this data property.
 fro-usc:Note Topic  -  The Financial Regulation Ontology converts the USLM Note topic references into this data property.
 fro-usc:Note Type
 fro-usc:refered by USC  -  The inverse of refersUSC. This has the USC Elements that point to the instance.
 fro-usc:Reference Text  -  The FR ontology converts the USLM Reference into this data property. The format is identical to the hasIdentifierText.
 fro-usc:refers to Level  -  The data property points to the USC_Level (range) that the instance (domain) refers to. US code text elements contain references to other sections clauses etc. The text of the reference is the data property hasReference. This object property provides a link to the reference target.
 fro-usc:refers to Note  -  The data property points to the USC_Notes (range) that the instance (domain) refers to.
 fro-usc:refers to USC  -  The data property points to the USC_Elements (range) that the instance (domain) refers to. Subproterties are (plain) Element, Chapeau and Note references.
 fro-usc:refers via Chapeau  -  The data property points to the USC_Continuation (range) that the instance (domain) refers to. For example: A USC_Clause may have a Element text that contains references.
 fro-usc:refers via Chapeau  -  The data property points to the USC_Chapeau (range) that the instance (domain) refers to. For example: A USC_Clause may have a text that contains references.
 fro-usc:Source Credit Text  -  The Financial Regulation Ontology denormalizes the USLM Chapeau text into this data property.
 fro-usc:United State Code - Chapeau  -  The FR ontology class for USC Chapeau. Populated with Finance content under titles 12 and 15 from USC XML.
 fro-usc:United State Code - Chapter  -  The FR ontology class for USC Chapter. Populated with Finance chapters under titles 12 and 15 from USC XML
 fro-usc:United State Code - Clause  -  The FR ontology class for USC clauses. Populated with Finance content under titles 12 and 15 from USC XML.
 fro-usc:United State Code - Continuation  -  The FR ontology class for USC Chapeau. Populated with Finance content under titles 12 and 15 from USC XML.
 fro-usc:United State Code - Continuation  -  The FR ontology class for USC Chapeau. Populated with Finance content under titles 12 and 15 from USC XML.
 fro-usc:United State Code - Element  -  The FR ontology class for USC elements. A super class for pieces in the United States Code.
 fro-usc:United State Code - Item  -  The FR ontology class for USC items. Populated with Finance content under titles 12 and 15 from USC XML.
 fro-usc:United State Code - Level  -  The FR ontology class for USC levels. A super class for the hierachical USC elements. (Title, Section, Paragraph etc.) Level elements have a system ID from the XML source a heading and identifier text.
 fro-usc:United State Code - Note  -  The FR ontology class for USC paragraphs. Populated with Finance content under titles 12 and 15 from USC XML.
 fro-usc:United State Code - Paragraph  -  The FR ontology class for USC paragraphs. Populated with Finance content under titles 12 and 15 from USC XML.
 fro-usc:United State Code - Section  -  The FR ontology class for USC Section. Populated with Finance sections under titles 12 and 15 from USC XML.
 fro-usc:United State Code - Subchapter  -  The FR ontology class for USC Subchapter. Populated with Finance subchapters under titles 12 and 15 from USC XML.
 fro-usc:United State Code - Subclause  -  The FR ontology class for USC sub-clauses. Populated with Finance content under titles 12 and 15 from USC XML.
 fro-usc:United State Code - Subparagraph  -  The FR ontology class for USC sub-paragraphs. Populated with Finance content under titles 12 and 15 from USC XML.
 fro-usc:United State Code - Subparagraph  -  The FR ontology class for USC source credit. Populated with Finance content under titles 12 and 15 from USC XML.
 fro-usc:United State Code - Subsection  -  The FR ontology class for USC Subsection. Populated with Finance content under titles 12 and 15 from USC XML.
 fro-usc:United State Code - Text Element  -  Text elements don't have a system ID from the XML source. Their URI is the index from the XML import. Complex The have data properties for the concatenated text, optional reference and date.
 fro-usc:United State Code - Title  -  The FR ontology class for USC Title. Populated with Finance titles 12 and 15 from USC XML.
 fro-usc:United States Code  -  In the Financial Regulation ontology this is a collection superclass. The distinct subclasses hold different USC hierarchy elements. E.g. Ttile, Chapter, Section ...
 fro-usc:USC Edition 114-153 (2016)