CFR validating the instances

Validating target instances

We validate our “Fund Adviser Exemption” in the target ontology. Left is the section instance SEC-IAA-Rule#r-1-17.

SEC IAA rule resource form
SEC IAA rule resource form

The data properties for index, section citation, number, and subject have been populated.
The data lineage property sp:sourceInstance points to the original CFR Section instance.
Object property lkif-mereo:contains instances for all paragraphs in section r-1-17.

The data properties for index, section citation, number, and subject have been populated.

CFR data properties
CFR data properties

The data lineage property sp:sourceInstance points to the original CFR Section instance.
Object property lkif-mereo:contains instances for all paragraphs in section r-1-17.
The data lineage property sp:sourceInstance points to the original CFR paragraph instance.
The inverse property contained_in references section r-1-17. Contained_in is rdfs:subPropertyOf part-of. The reasoner will automatically infer a triple for the parent property.
Finally, the paragraph text has been transformed to a data property hasParagraphText.

CFR Paragraph resource form
CFR Paragraph resource form

Validating instances

CFR rule, source, and reference data instance graph
CFR rule, source, and reference data instance graph

The graphic shows FRO Section and Paragraph instances and related classes.
All Sections have an object property, fo-fr-legal-ref:divides pointing to the anchor, CFR_Part-275. From the Part, we navigate static Reference Data, which has the CFR Part, Chapter, Title, and Volume. Part 275 also refers to the Securities and Exchange Commission’s rulemaking.
The sp:sourceInstance object properties tie Paragraph and Section instances to their CFR Source.

Querying the graph

The SPARQL query selects Part,
Section and Paragraph with their data properties.

SELECT ?part ?partText ?section ?sectionIndex ?sectionNumber ?sectionSubject ?sectionCitation ?paragraph ?paragraphIndex ?paragraphText ?paragraphEnumText
?part fo-fr-sec-iaa-rule:hasPartText ?partText   
?part fo-fr-legal-ref:divided_by ?section
?section fo-fr-sec-iaa-rule:hasCompositeIndex
?sectionIndex ?section fo-fr-sec-iaa-rule:hasSectionNumber
?sectionNumber    ?section fo-fr-sec-iaa-rule:hasSectionSubject ?sectionSubject
OPTIONAL {?section fo-fr-sec-iaa-rule:hasSectionCitation ?sectionCitation . }
?section lkif-mereo:contains ?paragraph
?paragraph fo-fr-sec-iaa-rule:hasCompositeIndex ?paragraphIndex
?paragraph fo-fr-sec-iaa-rule:hasParagraphText ?paragraphText
OPTIONAL {?paragraph fo-fr-sec-iaa-rule:hasParagraphEnumText ?paragraphEnumText}
ORDER BY ?part ?sectionIndex ?paragraphIndex
The join from section to
Not all Paragraphs have an Enum
Text. The OPTIONAL keyword will include the record leaving the paragraphEnumText
blank. We sort section and paragraph
composite index.

The original Private Fund
Exemption section CFR-2012-title17-vol3-part275.pdf from the GPO website.


The query results reconstitute
the regulation text in full

 sectionNumbersectionSubject paragraphText paragraphEnumText
 § 275.203(m)–1 Private fund adviser exemption.

(a) United States investment advisers.

For purposes of section 203(m) of the Act (15 U.S.C. 80b–3(m)), an investment

adviser with its principal office and place of business in the United States is exempt from the requirement to register under section 203 of the Act if the
investment adviser:

(1) Acts solely as an investment adviser to one or more qualifying private funds; and

(2) Manages private fund assets of less than $150 million.

(b) Non-United States investment advisers.

For purposes of section 203(m) of the Act (15 U.S.C. 80b–3(m)), an investment

adviser with its principal office and place of business outside of the United States is exempt from the requirement to register under section 203 of the Act if:

(1) The investment adviser has no client that is a United States person except
for one or more qualifying private funds; and

(2) All assets managed by the investment adviser at a place of business in the United States are solely attributable to private fund assets, the total value of which is less than $150 million.

 § 275.203(m)-1

 Private fund adviser exemption For purposes of section 203(m) of the Act (15 U.S.C. 80b-3(m)), an investment adviser with its principal office and place of business in the United States is exempt from the requirement to register under section 203 of the Act if the investment adviser:

 United States investment advisers.

§ 275.203(m)-1 Private fund adviser exemption (1) Acts solely as an investment adviser to one or more qualifying private funds; and

 § 275.203(m)-1 Private fund adviser exemption (2) Manages private fund assets of less than $150 million.

 § 275.203(m)-1 Private fund adviser exemption (b)

 Non-United States investment advisers.

 § 275.203(m)-1 Private fund adviser exemption For purposes of section 203(m) of the Act (15 U.S.C. 80b-3(m)), an investment adviser with its principal office and place of business outside of the United States is exempt from the requirement to register under section 203 of the Act if:

 Non-United States investment advisers.

 § 275.203(m)-1 Private fund adviser exemption (1) The investment adviser has no client that is a United States person except for one or more qualifying private funds; and

 § 275.203(m)-1 Private fund adviser exemption (2) All assets managed by the investment adviser at a place of business in the United States are solely attributable to private fund assets, the total value of which is less than $150 million.