Ontology http://finregont.com/fro/xbrl/formula/match.ttl

Jurgen Ziemer (of this OWL adaptation - not the XBRL design)
An RDF/OWL version of the XBRL formula schema file. A XBRL formula specifies validations based on XBRL instance facts and generation of derived data as output XBRL instance facts. The Match Filter defines XML syntax [XML] for filters that condition upon matching the value of an aspect of a fact to the same aspect of other facts.
The ontology defines Match model as a subclass of Variable Resource Type. Several subclasses of Match model define the possible building blocks: location, entity Id, period, segment, unit, XDT and non-XDT.
Copyright � 2002 XBRL International. All Rights Reserved. http://www.XBRL.org/legal/
Jayzed Data Models Inc. (adaptation for RDF/OWL in this OWL file only).
owl:Ontology |
The ontology is a direct conversion of the XBRL match filter schema (see owl:versionInfo). The purpose is bi-directional for RDF instance files that include an XBRL formula: To read XBRL data files into FinRegOnt and to create XBRL instance data files from the ontology.
Created with TopBraid Composer from the XML Schema(s) http://xbrl.org/2008/filter/match
© 2016 Jayzed Data Models Inc.
generated with TopBraid Composer
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