Viewpoint is used to denote how a set of resources, or an individual resource, is relevant to a context of use. The term "viewpoint" is adopted from the ISO RM-ODP specifications and its more recent use in enterprise architecture descriptions. The RM-ODP introducesd the concept of viewpoint to describe a system from a particular set of concerns. RM-ODP defines five viewpoints. Together they provide a complete description of a system: enterprise viewpoint, information viewpoint, computational viewpoint, engineering viewpoint, and technology viewpoint. In VAEM, "Viewpoint" is used as a dimension for characterizing an ontology graph. The viewpoints of an ontology may not always correpsond directly to those of a system but the idea of describing a subject area of interest from distinct viewpoints is still relevant. A viewpoint can be further distinguished by "aspects". For example the "information viewpoint" of an application can be partitioned into separate graphs for the "security", "operational" and"data retention" aspects.