
 Appendix datatype  -  Refers to the name of an Appendix, which could be a number or text.
 Article datatype  -  Article refers to a statutory article in legal material.
 aspect-cover:Aspect cover
 aspect-cover:Aspect cover-aspect
 aspect-cover:aspect ref
 aspect-cover:dimension ref
 aspect-cover:Enumerated value
 aspect-cover:exclude dimension ref
 aspect-cover:qname expression ref
 boolean:And filter
 boolean:Or filter
 Chapter datatype  -  For a publication that uses chapters, this part should be used to capture this information. Because chapters are not necessarily numbers, this is a string.
 Clause datatype  -  Sub component of a sub paragraph.
 composite:child  -  The object is the child of the subject.
 composite:index  -  The index of the subject among its siblings. Note that this could in principle take arbitrary numbers (including floats). We recommend using xsd:ints starting at 0.
 composite:parent  -  The object is the parent of the subject.
 concept:attribute ref
 concept:balance ref
 concept:Concept balance
 concept:Concept balance-balance
 concept:Concept custom attribute
 concept:Concept data type
 concept:Concept name
 concept:Concept period type
 concept:Concept period type-period type
 concept:concept ref
 concept:Concept substitution group
 concept:Enumerated value
 concept:period type ref
 concept:qname expression ref
 concept:substitution group ref
 concept:type ref
 concept:value ref
 consistency:absolute acceptance radius ref
 consistency:Consistency assertion
 consistency:proportional acceptance radius ref
 custom-function:input ref
 custom-function:name ref
 custom-function:output ref
 custom-function:step ref
 dimension:axis ref
 dimension:dimension ref
 dimension:Enumerated value
 dimension:Explicit dimension
 dimension:M child
 dimension:M child-or-self
 dimension:M descendant
 dimension:M descendant-or-self
 dimension:member ref
 dimension:qname expression ref
 dimension:test ref
 dimension:Typed dimension
 dimension:variable ref
 dtype:DTYPE Schema Version 1.2 Metadata
 dtype:DTYPE Schema Version 1.2 Metadata
 dtype:is invalid
 dtype:is invalid
 dtype:order index
 dtype:order index
 entity:Regexp identifier
 entity:Regexp scheme
 entity:scheme ref
 entity:Specific identifier
 entity:Specific scheme
 entity:test ref
 entity:value ref
 Example datatype  -  Example captures examples used in reference documentation; there is a separate element for Exhibits.
 Exhibit datatype  -  Exhibit refers to exhibits in reference documentation; examples have a separate element.
 existence:Existence assertion
 existence:test ref
 extensible-enumerations:context ref value
 extensible-enumerations:Enumeration item type
 Footnote datatype  -  Footnote is used to reference footnotes that appear in reference information.
 formula:A scenario
 formula:A segment
 formula:abstract.aspect ref
 formula:aspects ref
 formula:decimals ref
 formula:divide by ref
 formula:duration ref
 formula:end ref
 formula:Entity identifier
 formula:Enumerated value
 formula:Explicit dimension
 formula:Explicit dimension-omit
 formula:forever ref
 formula:instant ref
 formula:measure ref
 formula:member ref
 formula:multiply by ref
 formula:Occ empty
 formula:Occ fragments
 formula:occ ref
 formula:Occ xpath
 formula:omit ref
 formula:precision ref
 formula:qname expression ref
 formula:scheme ref
 formula:select ref
 formula:source ref
 formula:start ref
 formula:Typed dimension
 formula:Typed dimension-omit
 formula:Typed dimension-value
 formula:Unit-divide by
 formula:Unit-multiply by
 formula:value ref
 general:test ref
 generic:Generic arc type
 generic:Link type
 generic:Link type with open attrs
 generic:loc ref
 instance:Any URIItem type
 instance:arcrole ref ref
 instance:Base64Binary item type
 instance:Boolean item type
 instance:Byte item type
 instance:Context  -  Used for an island of context to which facts can be related.
 instance:Context entity type  -  The type for the entity element, used to describe the reporting entity. Note that the scheme attribute is required and cannot be empty.
 instance:Context entity type-identifier
 instance:Context entity type-identifier-scheme datatype
 instance:Context period type  -  The type for the period element, used to describe the reporting date info.
 instance:Context period type-forever
 instance:context ref
 instance:context ref value
 instance:Context scenario type  -  Used for the scenario under which fact have been reported.
 instance:Date item type
 instance:Date time item type
 instance:Date union datatype  -  The union of the date and dateTime simple types.
 instance:Decimal item type
 instance:Decimals type datatype  -  This type is used to specify the value of the decimals attribute on numeric items. It consists of the union of integer and "INF" (used to signify that a number is expressed to an infinite number of decimal places or "exact value").
 instance:Denominator datatype
 instance:Divide  -  Element used to represent division in units
 instance:divide ref
 instance:Double item type
 instance:Duration item type
 instance:end date
 instance:entity ref
 instance:Essential numeric item attrs  -  Attributes for all numeric items (fractional and non-fractional).
 instance:Fact attrs  -  Attributes for all items and tuples.
 instance:Float item type
 instance:footnote link ref
 instance:forever ref
 instance:Fraction item type
 instance:GDay item type
 instance:GMonth day item type
 instance:GMonth item type
 instance:GYear item type
 instance:GYear month item type
 instance:Hex binary item type
 instance:identifier ref
 instance:Int item type
 instance:Integer item type
 instance:Item  -  Abstract item element used as head of item substitution group
 instance:Item attrs  -  Attributes for all items.
 instance:item ref
 instance:Language item type
 instance:linkbase ref ref
 instance:Long item type
 instance:Measure datatype
 instance:Measures type  -  A collection of sibling measure elements
 instance:Monetary datatype  -  the monetary type serves as the datatype for those financial concepts in a taxonomy which denote units in a currency. Instance items with this type must have a unit of measure from the ISO 4217 namespace of currencies.
 instance:Monetary item type
 instance:Name item type
 instance:NCName item type
 instance:Negative integer item type
 instance:Non negative integer item type
 instance:Non numeric item attrs  -  Group of attributes for non-numeric items
 instance:Non positive integer item type
 instance:Non zero decimal datatype  -  As the name implies this is a decimal value that can not take the value 0 - it is used as the type for the denominator of a fractionItemType.
 instance:Normalized string item type
 instance:Numerator datatype
 instance:Numeric item attrs  -  Group of attributes for non-fractional numeric items
 instance:period ref
 instance:Positive integer item type
 instance:Precision type datatype  -  This type is used to specify the value of the precision attribute on numeric items. It consists of the union of nonNegativeInteger and "INF" (used to signify infinite precision or "exact value").
 instance:Pure datatype  -  This datatype serves as the type for dimensionless numbers such as percentage change, growth rates, and other ratios where the numerator and denominator have the same units.
 instance:Pure item type
 instance:QName item type
 instance:role ref ref
 instance:scenario ref
 instance:schema ref ref
 instance:segment ref
 instance:Shares datatype  -  This datatype serves as the datatype for share based financial concepts.
 instance:Shares item type
 instance:Short item type
 instance:start date
 instance:String item type
 instance:Time item type
 instance:Token item type
 instance:Tuple  -  Abstract tuple element used as head of tuple substitution group
 instance:Tuple attrs  -  Group of attributes for tuples.
 instance:tuple ref
 instance:Unit  -  Element used to represent units information about numeric items
 instance:unit denominator ref
 instance:unit numerator ref
 instance:unit ref
 instance:unit ref value
 instance:Unsigned byte item type
 instance:Unsigned int item type
 instance:Unsigned long item type
 instance:Unsigned short item type
 instance:Xbrl  -  XBRL instance root element.
 Issue date datatype  -  The issue date of the specific reference. The format is CCYY-MM-DD.
 linkbase:arcrole  -  This attribute must have the value:
 linkbase:Arcrole ref  -  Definition of the roleRef element - used to link to resolve xlink:arcrole attribute values to the arcroleType element declaration.
 linkbase:arcrole ref ref
 linkbase:Arcrole type  -  The arcroleType element definition - used to define custom arc role values in XBRL extended links.
 linkbase:Arcrole type-cycles allowed
 linkbase:arcrole URIRef
 linkbase:Calculation arc  -  Extension of the extended link arc type for calculation arcs. Adds a weight attribute to track weights on contributions to summations.
 linkbase:calculation arc ref
 linkbase:Calculation link  -  calculation extended link element definition
 linkbase:cycles allowed ref
 linkbase:Definition arc  -  Concrete arc for use in definition extended links.
 linkbase:definition arc ref
 linkbase:Definition datatype  -  The element to use for human-readable definition of custom roles and arc roles.
 linkbase:Definition link  -  definition extended link element definition
 linkbase:Documentation  -  Concrete element to use for documentation of extended links and linkbases.
 linkbase:documentation ref
 linkbase:Enumerated value
 linkbase:extended ref
 linkbase:Footnote  -  Definition of the reference resource element
 linkbase:Footnote arc  -  Concrete arc for use in footnote extended links.
 linkbase:footnote arc ref
 linkbase:Footnote link  -  footnote extended link element definition
 linkbase:footnote ref
 linkbase:Label  -  Definition of the label resource element.
 linkbase:Label arc  -  Concrete arc for use in label extended links.
 linkbase:label arc ref
 linkbase:Label link  -  label extended link element definition
 linkbase:label ref
 linkbase:Linkbase  -  Definition of the linkbase element. Used to contain a set of zero or more extended link elements.
 linkbase:Linkbase ref  -  Definition of the linkbaseRef element - used to link to XBRL taxonomy extended links from taxonomy schema documents and from XBRL instances.
 linkbase:Linkbase ref-arcrole datatype  -  A URI with a minimum length of 1 character.
 linkbase:Loc  -  Concrete locator element. The loc element is the XLink locator element for all extended links in XBRL.
 linkbase:loc ref
 linkbase:Part datatype  -  Definition of the reference part element - for use in reference resources.
 linkbase:preferred label
 linkbase:Presentation arc  -  Extension of the extended link arc type for presentation arcs. Adds a preferredLabel attribute that documents the role attribute value of preferred labels (as they occur in label extended links).
 linkbase:presentation arc ref
 linkbase:Presentation arc-preferred label datatype
 linkbase:Presentation link  -  presentation extended link element definition.
 linkbase:Reference  -  Definition of the reference resource element.
 linkbase:Reference arc  -  Concrete arc for use in reference extended links.
 linkbase:reference arc ref
 linkbase:Reference link  -  reference extended link element definition
 linkbase:reference ref
 linkbase:Role ref  -  Definition of the roleRef element - used to link to resolve xlink:role attribute values to the roleType element declaration.
 linkbase:role ref ref
 linkbase:Role type  -  The roleType element definition - used to define custom role values in XBRL extended links.
 linkbase:role URIRef
 linkbase:Schema ref  -  Definition of the schemaRef element - used to link to XBRL taxonomy schemas from XBRL instances.
 linkbase:used on
 linkbase:Used on datatype  -  Definition of the usedOn element - used to identify what elements may use a taxonomy defined role or arc role value.
 match:Match concept
 match:Match dimension
 match:Match entity identifier
 match:Match location
 match:Match non XDTScenario
 match:Match non XDTSegment
 match:Match period
 match:Match scenario
 match:Match segment
 match:Match unit
 match:variable ref
 MathML:Cn.attlist-base datatype
 MathML:Enumerated value
 MathML:Length-with-optional-unit datatype
 MathML:Length-with-unit datatype
 MathML:Mfrac.attlist-linethickness datatype
 MathML:Mpadded-space datatype
 MathML:Mpadded-width-space datatype
 MathML:Mspace.attlist-width datatype
 MathML:Mstyle.attlist-linethickness datatype
 MathML:Mtable.attlist-alignmentscope datatype
 MathML:Operator.attrib-lspace datatype
 MathML:Operator.attrib-maxsize datatype
 MathML:Operator.attrib-minsize datatype
 MathML:Operator.attrib-rspace datatype
 MathML:RGB-color datatype
 MathML:Table-alignment.attrib-columnalign datatype
 MathML:Table-alignment.attrib-rowalign datatype
 MathML:Token-style.attrib-mathsize datatype
 Name datatype  -  Name refers to the specific publication. For example, "Statement of Financial Standards", "Statement of Position" or "IFRS". It does not include the number.
 non-numeric:context ref value
 non-numeric:Domain item type  -  The domain item type indicates that an element is a domain or domain member. Domain item types may or may not have attribute abstract="true".
 non-numeric:Escaped item type  -  escapedItemType specializes string. There is no constraint on whether the content resulting from XML un-escaping is well-formed or not. It is a suitable base type for (say) a data type whose unescaped content must conform to an SGML DTD.
 non-numeric:Text block item type  -  textBlockItemType specializes xmlNodesItemType. The unescaped content MUST have mixed content containing a simple string, or a fragment of XHTML or a mixture of both.
 non-numeric:Xml item type  -  xmlItemType specializes xmlNodesItemType. The unescaped content MUST be well formed XML. This is a suitable base type for elements whose content must conform to a specific XML Schema or DTD. This content constraint cannot be captured by a finite length regular expression, other than that "<" must be the first non-whitespace character and ">" the last non-whitespace character.
 non-numeric:Xml nodes item type  -  xmlNodesItemType specializes escapedItemType. The unescaped content MUST be a sequence of XML text and well-formed XML nodes. This content constraint cannot be captured by a finite length regular expression.
 Note datatype  -  Notes can contain reference material; use this element when the note is published as a standalone document. There is a separate element for footnotes within other references.
 Number datatype  -  Number is used to record the actual number of the specific publication. For example, the number for FAS 133 would be 133.
 numeric:Area item type
 numeric:Energy item type
 numeric:Length item type
 numeric:Mass item type
 numeric:Memory item type
 numeric:Per share item type
 numeric:Percent item type
 numeric:Power item type
 numeric:Volume item type
 numeric:Weight item type
 Page datatype  -  Page number of the reference material.
 Paragraph datatype  -  Paragraph is used to refer to specific paragraphs in a document.
 period:boundary ref
 period:date ref
 period:Enumerated value
 period:Instant duration
 period:Instant duration-boundary
 period:Period end
 period:Period instant
 period:Period start
 period:test ref
 period:time ref
 period:variable ref
 pref label
 Publisher datatype  -  Publisher of the reference material, such as SEC, FASB, or AICPA.
 reference:part ref
 relative:Relative filter
 relative:variable ref
 Section datatype  -  Section is used to capture information typically captured in sections of legislation or reference documents.
 segment-scenario:test ref
 Sentence datatype  -  In some reference material individual sentences can be referred to, and this element allows them to be referenced.
 Subclause datatype  -  Subcomponent of a clause in a paragraph.
 Subparagraph datatype  -  Subparagraph of a paragraph.
 Subsection datatype  -  Subsection is a subsection of the section part.
 sxml:attribute  -  The XML tag used to render an RDF property into an XML attribute. This must be a valid XML attribute name.
 sxml:element  -  The XML tag used to render an element. The values of this property must be valid XML tag strings or URI resources that can be abbreviated by an existing namespace prefix. For example, a tag would be mapped into a class with sxml:element="process"^^xsd:string. A tag would be mapped into a class with sxml:element=my:process (which is often identical to the URI of the class itself).
 sxml:is attribute  -  The XML tag used to mark if an OWL restriction should be generated as an XML attribute or simple content.
 sxml:order  -  The XML tag used for ordering. This is an annotation property that can be used to annotate both instance and non-instance resources.
 sxml:prefix  -  Stores the name of the prefixes that will be written back to the XML file when saved. This is mainly for round-tripping XML files that have xmlns... attributes in the root element.
 sxml:tag  -  The tag of an XML object.
 sxml:XSD validation error  -  Can be used to represent XML Schema validation errors. The rdfs:label contains details.
 sxml:XSD validation warning  -  Can be used to represent XML Schema validation warnings. The rdfs:label contains details.
 table:abstract.aspect ref
 table:arcname expression ref
 table:arcrole expression ref
 table:arcrole ref
 table:aspect node
 table:aspect node filter arc
 table:aspect node.type
 table:aspect spec
 table:aspect spec ref
 table:axis.type x
 table:axis.type y
 table:axis.type z
 table:breakdown tree arc
 table:closed definition node
 table:closed definition node.type
 table:concept aspect
 table:concept relationship formula axis.type
 table:concept relationship node
 table:concept relationship node.type
 table:definition node
 table:definition node subtree arc
 table:definition node.attrs  -  Attributes for definition nodes.
 table:definition node.type
 table:dimension aspect
 table:dimension aspect spec.type
 table:dimension relationship formula axis.type
 table:dimension relationship formula axis.type RFA child
 table:dimension relationship formula axis.type RFA child-or-self
 table:dimension relationship formula axis.type RFA descendant
 table:dimension relationship formula axis.type RFA descendant-or-self
 table:dimension relationship node
 table:dimension relationship node.type
 table:entity identifier aspect
 table:Enumerated value
 table:formula axis expression ref
 table:formula axis ref
 table:generations expression ref
 table:include unreported value
 table:linkname expression ref
 table:linkrole expression ref
 table:linkrole ref
 table:name ref
 table:parent child order
 table:parent child order.type
 table:period aspect
 table:relationship node.type
 table:relationship source
 table:relationship source expression ref
 table:rule node
 table:rule node.type
 table:rule set ref
 table:rule set.type
 table:simple aspect spec.type
 table:table breakdown arc
 table:table filter arc
 table:table parameter arc
 table:tag selector
 table:unit aspect
 taxon-pkg:Country simple type datatype
 taxon-pkg:Country type
 taxon-pkg:Date type
 taxon-pkg:description ref
 taxon-pkg:Document reference type
 taxon-pkg:Documentation group
 taxon-pkg:entry point document ref
 taxon-pkg:entry point ref
 taxon-pkg:Entry point type
 taxon-pkg:entry points ref
 taxon-pkg:Entry points type
 taxon-pkg:identifier ref
 taxon-pkg:language ref
 taxon-pkg:Language type
 taxon-pkg:languages ref
 taxon-pkg:Languages type
 taxon-pkg:license ref
 taxon-pkg:License type
 taxon-pkg:name ref
 taxon-pkg:publication date ref
 taxon-pkg:publisher country ref
 taxon-pkg:publisher ref
 taxon-pkg:publisher URLRef
 taxon-pkg:String type
 taxon-pkg:superseded taxonomy packages ref
 taxon-pkg:Superseded taxonomy packages type
 taxon-pkg:Taxonomy package
 taxon-pkg:taxonomy package ref ref
 taxon-pkg:Taxonomy package type
 taxon-pkg:Uri type
 taxon-pkg:version ref
 taxon-pkg:versioning report ref
 taxon-pkg:versioning reports ref
 taxon-pkg:Versioning reports type
 tuple:Ancestor filter
 tuple:ancestor ref
 tuple:Location filter
 tuple:location ref
 tuple:Parent filter
 tuple:parent ref
 tuple:qname expression ref
 tuple:Sibling filter
 tuple:variable ref
 unit:General measures
 unit:measure ref
 unit:qname expression ref
 unit:Single measure
 unit:test ref
 URIDatatype  -  Full URI of the reference such as "".
 URIDate datatype  -  Date that the URI was valid, in CCYY-MM-DD format.
 utr:Base standard  -  A token indicating the authority or source of the unit definition: Customary, ISO4217, Non-SI, SI, XBRL.
 utr:base standard ref
 utr:Conversion content  -  MathML definition using elements such as mrow and msup to present a formula for conversion into standard international base units, if such a conversion exists.
 utr:conversion content ref
 utr:Conversion presentation  -  MathML definition using elements such as mrow and msup to present a formula for conversion into standard international base units, if such a conversion exists.
 utr:conversion presentation ref
 utr:Definition  -  The meaning of the unit, in English.
 utr:definition ref
 utr:Denominator group
 utr:denominator item type
 utr:Denominator item type datatype  -  When present, then the unit denominator must be for a unit that is compatible with this item type.
 utr:Documentation type  -  Element type that may contain mixed text and XHTML markup
 utr:Enumerated value
 utr:item type
 utr:Item type datatype  -  The local-name of a type with which this unit may be used.
 utr:item type date
 utr:Item type date datatype  -  Version date of the XBRL specification or data type registry in which the item type first appears, or empty if the type is not (yet) present.
 utr:last updated
 utr:Math expression
 utr:math ref
 utr:ns denominator item type
 utr:Ns denominator item type datatype
 utr:ns item type
 utr:Ns item type datatype  -  Item type namespace; absent if the namespace does not matter.
 utr:ns numerator item type
 utr:Ns numerator item type datatype
 utr:ns unit
 utr:Ns unit datatype
 utr:Ns unit empty type datatype  -  The namespace in which the unit is declared in a xbrli:measure element. If the content is empty, it means that the unit is not a simple measure. The combination of Unit ID and Unit Namespace and status must be unique within the scope of the registry.
 utr:Ns unit type datatype  -  The namespace in which the unit is declared in a xbrli:measure element. If the content is empty, it means that the unit is not a simple measure. The combination of Unit ID and Unit Namespace and status must be unique within the scope of the registry.
 utr:Numerator group
 utr:numerator item type
 utr:Numerator item type datatype  -  When present, then the unit numerator must be for a unit that is compatible with this item type.
 utr:S ACK  -  Acknowledged
 utr:S CR  -  Candidate Recommendation
 utr:S IWD  -  Internal Working Draft
 utr:S NIE  -  Not In Effect
 utr:S PROPOSED  -  Proposed
 utr:S PWD  -  Public Working Draft
 utr:S REC  -  Recommendation
 utr:S RR  -  Rescinded Recommendation
 utr:Status  -  The XBRL International status of this unit: CR, PWD, REC, NIE, PROPOSED, IWD, ACK, RR
 utr:status ref
 utr:Symbol datatype  -  The symbol used when rendering figures measured in the unit. This may be unicode such as a currency symbol. Monetary symbols are conventionally displayed before a number; other symbols conventionally displayed after.
 utr:Unit division group
 utr:unit id
 utr:Unit id datatype  -  The NCName to be used in the measure element of occurrences of simple units with any numerator or denominator measure; nsUnit must be empty. In either case, this This need not be unique in the scope of the UTR because there could be (for example) a REC definition of a unit, and an IWD version of it.
 utr:unit name
 utr:Unit name datatype  -  The name of the unit being defined, which may have embedded spaces and other characters and is conventionally in Proper Case.
 utr:unit ref
 utr:Unit simple group
 utr:units ref
 utr:Utr  -  Root element of the XBRL Data Type Registry
 utr:version date
 utr:Version date datatype  -  Effective date of this version of the unit; all versions of the same uhit with earlier dates are superseded
 vaem:Aspect Dimension
 vaem:Collection graph
 vaem:Collection graph
 vaem:Connect set graph
 vaem:Constraints graph
 vaem:Controllers graph
 vaem:Curation graph
 vaem:Data graph
 vaem:Discipline Dimension
 vaem:Documentation graph
 vaem:Domain Dimension
 vaem:file prefix
 vaem:Functions graph
 vaem:Graph Metadata
 vaem:Graph role
 vaem:has aspect
 vaem:has dimension
 vaem:has discipline
 vaem:has domain
 vaem:has graph metadata
 vaem:has graph role
 vaem:has identifier
 vaem:has owner
 vaem:has steward
 vaem:has viewpoint
 vaem:is elaborated in
 vaem:is metadata for
 vaem:latest published version
 vaem:Link Set graph
 vaem:Mapping graph
 vaem:namespace prefix
 vaem:previous published version
 vaem:Proxy graph
 vaem:RDF/XML file URL
 vaem:Reference data graph
 vaem:reifiable by
 vaem:release date
 vaem:Rules Graph
 vaem:Schema graph
 vaem:Script graph
 vaem:Services Graph
 vaem:Transforms graph
 vaem:turtle file URL
 vaem:uses non-imported resource
 vaem:VAEM Schema Version 2.0 Metadata
 vaem:View graph
 vaem:Vocabulary graph
 vaem:with attribution to
 validation:Assertion set
 validation:Assertion set.type
 validation:Assertion.variable set.type
 validation:Variable set assertion
 value:test ref
 value:Value assertion
 variable:aspect model
 variable:bind as sequence
 variable:Equality definition
 variable:Expression datatype
 variable:Fact variable
 variable:fallback value
 variable:General variable
 variable:implicit filtering
 variable:input ref
 variable:QName datatype
 variable:Variable arc
 variable:Variable filter arc
 variable:Variable set
 variable:Variable set filter arc
 variable:Variable set.type
 xlink:actuate ref
 xlink:Arc  -  Abstract element to use as head of arc element substitution group.
 xlink:arc ref
 xlink:Arc type  -  basic extended link arc type - extended where necessary for specific arcs Extends the generic arc type by adding use, priority and order attributes.
 xlink:Arc type-actuate  -  Enumeration of values for the actuate attribute
 xlink:Arc type-arcrole datatype  -  A URI with a minimum length of 1 character.
 xlink:Arc type-show  -  Enumeration of values for the show attribute
 xlink:Arc type-show AT none
 xlink:Arc type-show AT other
 xlink:Arc type-type  -  Enumeration of values for the type attribute
 xlink:Documentation  -  Abstract element to use for documentation of extended links and linkbases.
 xlink:documentation ref
 xlink:Documentation type  -  Element type to use for documentation of extended links and linkbases.
 xlink:Extended  -  Abstract extended link element at head of extended link substitution group.
 xlink:Extended type  -  Generic extended link type
 xlink:Extended type-role datatype  -  A URI with a minimum length of 1 character.
 xlink:Extended type-type  -  Enumeration of values for the type attribute
 xlink:Locator  -  Abstract locator element to be used as head of locator substitution group for all extended link locators in XBRL.
 xlink:locator ref
 xlink:Locator type  -  Generic locator type.
 xlink:Locator type-role datatype  -  A URI with a minimum length of 1 character.
 xlink:Locator type-type  -  Enumeration of values for the type attribute
 xlink:Non empty URIDatatype  -  A URI type with a minimum length of 1 character. Used on role and arcrole and href elements.
 xlink:on load
 xlink:on load
 xlink:on request
 xlink:on request
 xlink:Resource  -  Abstract element to use as head of resource element substitution group.
 xlink:resource ref
 xlink:Resource type  -  Generic type for the resource type element
 xlink:Resource type-role datatype  -  A URI with a minimum length of 1 character.
 xlink:Resource type-type  -  Enumeration of values for the type attribute
 xlink:show ref
 xlink:Simple  -  The abstract element at the head of the simple link substitution group.
 xlink:Simple type  -  Type for the simple links defined in XBRL
 xlink:Simple type-actuate  -  Enumeration of values for the actuate attribute
 xlink:Simple type-arcrole datatype  -  A URI with a minimum length of 1 character.
 xlink:Simple type-role datatype  -  A URI with a minimum length of 1 character.
 xlink:Simple type-show  -  Enumeration of values for the show attribute
 xlink:Simple type-show ST none
 xlink:Simple type-show ST other
 xlink:Simple type-type  -  Enumeration of values for the type attribute
 xlink:Title  -  Generic title element for use in extended link documentation. Used on extended links, arcs, locators. See for details.
 xlink:title ref
 xlink:Title type  -  Type for the abstract title element - used as a title element template.
 xlink:Title type-type  -  Enumeration of values for the type attribute
 xlink:type ref
 xlink:Use enum  -  Enumerated values for the use attribute on extended link arcs.